European Summer 2023
Mon, 05 Jun
Here you will find the freshest info for the up coming European journeys for Summer 23. Have a look and choose your event;) Looking forward to meeting and sharing with you all 🐳🦋🐬🔥🐬🦋🐳

Time & Location
05 Jun 2023, 16:00 – 25 Nov 2023, 16:00
Europe, Europe
About The Event
Here you will see the uodates and freshest info so you can save dates for the events you wish to join.
Please feel welcome always to connect.
Always good to subscribe to the website so you will get the info when time comes.
Just so you know
It is rate that we send any notification via email so it is best to visit from time to time anyway;)
Up coming WildRoots journeys for Summer 2023:
The Netherlands - 7 day retreat.
June 5th-11th
prices for this event are including everything!
Food-Accomodation and the journey itself.
980€-Early Birds price till April 30st.
1180€ after April 30st.
for all details and invitation by Liad and Morgan please go here:
fb event:
Friday 16th~ 18:00-21:00
Saturday. 10:00-16:00
Sunday. 10:00-16:00
Deepening Extension:
Monday 10:00-14:00
Tuesday 10:00-14:00
Wednesday 10:00-14:00
21st of June Wednesday eve 19:00-21:30
Final ceremony Open to all!
For more details and registration please go to the event.
Fb event:
Hampshirite::UK-------June 23rd-27th:
Community gathering.
Joining by request.
If you are interested in this journey please write to
For more details please go to the event:
for registration please write to
Greece - October 2nd-8th:
Taos center. Paros.
For more details and registration please go here:
And more to come.
If you are a host in anywhere in Europe and you wish to host/orgenize a journey or a retreat in your country, please send us a message so we can connect and collaborate happily.
~~~{}~~~Pure and Endless Love ~~~{}~~~