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The Netherlands -7 day WildRoots retreat.

Mon, 05 Jun



A rare opportunity to experience a full 7 day retreat and the Netherlands. All included. Please note: The journey is currently fully booked. You are welcome to send a request to join the waiting list incase an opportunity will arise. Please write to:

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The Netherlands -7 day WildRoots retreat.
The Netherlands -7 day WildRoots retreat.

Time & Location

05 Jun 2023, 16:00 CEST – 11 Jun 2023, 16:00 CEST

Netherlands, Netherlands

About The Event

A rare opportunity to explore and learn with Amit a whole week retreat.

In this amazing retreat center Ohana. In the Netherlands.

''And in that moment

In the light of a new dawn

Old shields will shutter in dust

Chronic shapes will melt in one

Storms will return their silence

And nothing will be left

But our ancient beat

Naked voice

Yearning for love

And in that moment

Always for a moment''


Our voice is an ever changing reflection of our freedom, the olive trees in our garden, which can only feed on our very own soil. And as such, freeing our voice, shall free our suppressed dreams, laughters and tears. Our forgotten child. Our lost artist. Our musicality.

''We are the FIRE KEEPERS of our Kingdom. And as such, voicing ourselves, is an act of responsibility, to transform, from within, all that is holding on'', and ever-repeating. And when no more is to be held, when we learn to fall at each and every step, and be carried again and again, true forgiveness can emerge.

 LIFE can begin.

Voicing ourselves, as an act of LOVE, to all our parts that are awaiting to be heard.

Voicing ourselves, as an act of GENEROUSITY. As givers. It is our precious gift that is Received with every inhale, and shall be Given with every outbreath.

 A cycle of LOVE. Always a cycle.

Aligning our voice with our natural musicality, with our momentary rhythm, as a hollow flute through which to birth our long-awaited genesis. Unifying our voice with our natural breath, as an act of CREATION, as true lovers.

We sing to cultivate TRUST. We soften, we fall, we silence, we listen, to signal trust. 

Trust, as a fire pillar, that burn through all transient fogs.

 Trust, as the engine of life. The same compass that moves the hatchlings, toward the wide open ocean. Trust as the ancient wisdom that sings through us.

 Trust in our TRUE NATURE.

We give our song, in humility,  to the one which is breathing us. 

To the melodies that are born every single moment. To LIFE ITSELF.

We give our voice, in prayer for love.

 We give our voice, without knowing its path. 

We set the compass, and being showed the route.

MUSIC is born, when we step out of the way.


The Wild Roots Journey is an invitation for PURE LOVE. And our raw, naked voice will be our portal, the gate through which we walk together, as a living tribe, for seven days.

In a temporary temple we will create together, through our breath and voice, we will explore our creative nature, and our inherent musicality.

It is a work of presence, and so no musical background is needed. Anyone with the intention to meet their true nature is welcome. 

The voice we will unravel is a deep, ancient one. Not a one that fits into any musical or vocal practices. It is the wide ocean, neither one of its waves.

And the tribe, an intimate group of brothers and sisters, will be our safe anchor to set ourselves FREE.


Amit Carmeli will be leading our Journey together.

Amit is an international acclaimed Voice & Breathwork teacher and Sound Healing Master. 

He is a Musician, Vocal Master and Sound Therapist.

 Amit is sharing the Wild Root Vocal Journeys all over the world for the past 22 years.

Beyond titles, Amit is a brave soul who dedicates his life, to deepen his relation with Nature, and share it, in humbleness, with whoever is inspired to learn to do so. Amit is devoted to share the medicine he has found in using our body and voice, as our musical instruments, surrendering to our Wild Root, in service of the Greater.  

Amit is a man of Heart, and great Wisdom, sharing Love from within his deepest roots.''



We will meet at the beautiful Ohana Center, close to Arnhem, in the Netherlands.

The journey will starts on June 5th (Monday) and end on June 11th(Sunday).


~~~<1180 euros>~~~

* This includes organic, delicious vegetarian meals throughout the day, and a sleep in a cozy 2-3 person rooms.

* We aim for a small and intimate group, so amount of birds is limited.

* To ensure your spot, a downpayment of 400 euros is required

* In case of cancellation :

Up to 1 month before the event : 25% of downpayment will be refunded

In the month before the event, downpaymant will not be refunded



For booking ,Please go to Registration or ''Tickets''.

Or contact us if you have any questions via

Email :

Whatsapp / Telegram :

Liad          +972504343434

Morgane +32497572351


June 5th 

Opening ceremony at 5pm-8pm

june 6th

10am-2pm session 1

5pm-8pm  session 2

june 7th

10am-2pm session 3

5pm-8pm  session 4

June 8th

10am-2pm session 5

5pm-8pm  session 6

June 9th 

10am-2pm session 7

5pm-8pm  session 8

June 10th

10am-2pm session 9

5pm-8pm  Final ceremony and celebration 

June 11th

10am-2pm closure and goodbye session 

each morning there will be breakfast 8:30am-9:30am

each day there will be lunch at 2pm and light dinner at 8pm

Important note:

Please do your best to avoide any communication with the outer world so you can give yourself a whole clear space for your experience so you can be fully available to all that is rising thanks to the journey.

avoide online working or any kind of working or commitments with the outer world Is a crucial recommendation!


  • First downpayment NL retreat

    You are welcome to save your spot by sending the first downpayment of 400€. (With 5% addition as PayPal fees.) If you wish to save the 5% of PP, please contact Liad +972504343434 or Morgane +32497572351 Or send us a request email for a bank transfer. ( Your spot will be saved once you’ll send us a picture of your downpayment with the account details of which you sent your downpayment to. Thank you so much.

    Tax: +€20.00 PayPal fee
    Sale ended



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